Diane Mae Alshihabi
Diane Mae Alshihabi
Associate Professor
College of Design
Interior Dsn
HCI Faculty Affiliate
E.J. Bahng
E.J. Bahng
Associate Professor
College of Human Sciences
School Of Ed
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Ritwik Banerji
Ritwik Banerji
Assistant Professor
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
World Lang/Cult
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Merate Barakat
Merate Barakat
Associate Professor
College of Design
VRAC Research Faculty
Evrim Baran
Evrim Baran
College of Human Sciences
School Of Ed
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty
Jan Boyles
Jan Boyles
Associate Professor
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Greenlee Jrn/Cm
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Alex Braidwood
Alex Braidwood
Associate Professor
College of Design
Graphic Dsn
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Paul R Bruski
Paul R Bruski
Department Chair
College of Design
Graphic Dsn
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Kenneth Bryden
Kenneth Bryden
College of Engineering
Mechanical Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty
Bernard Canniffe
Bernard Canniffe
Associate Professor
College of Design
Graphic Dsn
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Yongyeon Cho
Yongyeon Cho
Associate Professor
College of Design
Interior Dsn
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Evgeny Chukharev
Evgeny Chukharev
Associate Professor
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Jonathan Claussen
Jonathan Claussen
Associate Professor
College of Engineering
Mechanical Eng
VRAC Research Faculty
Myra B Cohen
Myra B Cohen
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Computer Sc
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Elena Cotos
Elena Cotos
Associate Dean
Grad College
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Edward Joseph Cupps
Edward Joseph Cupps
College of Design
Graphic Dsn
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Thomas Earl Daniels
Thomas Earl Daniels
Teaching Professor
College of Engineering
Elec Eng/Cp Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty
Jared A Danielson
Jared A Danielson
Senior Associate Dean
College of Veterinary Medicine
Vet Med ADM
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Daniela Dimitrova
Daniela Dimitrova
University Professor
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Greenlee Jrn/Cm
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Michael Dorneich
Michael Dorneich
Morrill Professor
College of Engineering
Ind/Mfr SYS Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty
Alyssa Emery
Alyssa Emery
Assistant Professor
College of Human Sciences
School Of Ed
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Peter Mcneil Evans
Peter Mcneil Evans
Assistant Professor
College of Design
Indust Design
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Patrick Finley
Patrick Finley
Assistant Professor
College of Design
Graphic Dsn
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Cody Fleming
Cody Fleming
Associate Professor
College of Engineering
Mechanical Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty
Mary Fornoff
Mary Fornoff
Assistant Teaching Professor
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Jonathan Jay Fox
Jonathan Jay Fox
College of Human Sciences
Human Dv/Fam St
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Douglas A Gentile
Douglas A Gentile
Distinguished Professor
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Stephen Gilbert
Stephen Gilbert
Associate Director of VRAC
College of Engineering
Ind/Mfr SYS Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty
Carmen Luiza Gomes
Carmen Luiza Gomes
College of Engineering
Mechanical Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty
Chris Harding
Chris Harding
Associate Professor
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Earth Atmos Cli
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty
Connie Hargrave
Connie Hargrave
Associate Dean
College of Engineering
Engineering ADM
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Heike Hofmann
Heike Hofmann
Affiliate Professor
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Ming-Chen Hsu
Ming-Chen Hsu
College of Engineering
Mechanical Eng
VRAC Research Faculty
Julie Elaine N Irish
Julie Elaine N Irish
Associate Professor
College of Design
Interior Dsn
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Yi Jin
Yi Jin
Associate Professor
College of Human Sciences
School Of Ed
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Amy Leigh Kaleita
Amy Leigh Kaleita
Department Chair
Multiple-College Departments
AG & Biosys Eng
VRAC Research Faculty
Vijay Kalivarapu
Vijay Kalivarapu
Teaching Professor
College of Engineering
Mechanical Eng
VRAC Research Faculty
Aliye Karabulut-Ilgu
Aliye Karabulut-Ilgu
Director of Curricular Assessment and Teaching Support
College of Veterinary Medicine
Vet Pathology
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Mridu Kashyap
Mridu Kashyap
Assistant Professor of Practice
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Computer Sc
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Jonathan Kelly
Jonathan Kelly
Department Chair
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty
Nir Keren
Nir Keren
Associate Professor
Multiple-College Departments
AG & Biosys Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Regis Kopper
Regis Kopper
Assistant Professor
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Computer Sc
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Charles J Kostelnick
Charles J Kostelnick
Morrill Professor
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Adarsh Krishnamurthy
Adarsh Krishnamurthy
Associate Professor
College of Engineering
Mechanical Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty
Margaret R LaWare
Margaret R LaWare
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
HCI Faculty Affiliate
James I Lathrop
James I Lathrop
Associate Professor
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Computer Sc
VRAC Research Faculty
Jeongeun Lee
Jeongeun Lee
Associate Professor
College of Human Sciences
Human Dv/Fam St
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Jundi Liu
Jundi Liu
Assistant Professor
College of Engineering
Ind/Mfr SYS Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty
Cameron MacKenzie
Cameron MacKenzie
Associate Professor
College of Engineering
Ind/Mfr SYS Eng
VRAC Research Faculty
Subinay Malhotra
Subinay Malhotra
Assistant Professor
College of Design
Indust Design
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Peter Martin
Peter Martin
University Professor
College of Human Sciences
Human Dv/Fam St
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Seda McKilligan
Seda McKilligan
Associate Dean for Academic Personnel Success and Strategic Initiatives
College of Design
Design ADM
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Maurice Meilleur
Maurice Meilleur
Assistant Professor
College of Design
Graphic Dsn
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Mani Mina
Mani Mina
Teaching Professor
College of Engineering
Elec Eng/Cp Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
James H Oliver
James H Oliver
Executive Director
Senior Vice President and Provost
Stu Innovat Ctr
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty
Joshua Michael Peschel
Joshua Michael Peschel
Associate Professor
Multiple-College Departments
AG & Biosys Eng
VRAC Research Faculty
Andrea L Quam
Andrea L Quam
Associate Professor
College of Design
Graphic Dsn
VRAC Research Faculty
Kristin-Yvonne Rozier
Kristin-Yvonne Rozier
Associate Professor
College of Engineering
Aerospace Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty
Soumik Sarkar
Soumik Sarkar
College of Engineering
Mechanical Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Kevin Paul Scheibe
Kevin Paul Scheibe
Department Chair
College of Business
Info SYS/Bus An
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Mack Clayton Shelley
Mack Clayton Shelley
University Professor
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Political Sc
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Elizabeth Stegemoller
Elizabeth Stegemoller
Associate Professor
College of Human Sciences
VRAC Research Faculty
Richard T Stone
Richard T Stone
Associate Professor
College of Engineering
Ind/Mfr SYS Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty
Alexander T Stoytchev
Alexander T Stoytchev
Associate Professor
College of Engineering
Elec Eng/Cp Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Ben Van Dusen
Ben Van Dusen
Associate Professor
College of Human Sciences
School Of Ed
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Associate Professor
College of Design
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty
Cyndi Wiley
Cyndi Wiley
Program Specialist IV
Information Technology Services
IT Services
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Eliot Winer
Eliot Winer
Director of VRAC
College of Engineering
Mechanical Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty
Wenjie Xia
Wenjie Xia
Associate Professor
College of Engineering
Aerospace Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Aaron Yang
Aaron Yang
Assistant Professor
College of Design
Graphic Dsn
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Tsung Pin Yeh
Tsung Pin Yeh
Teaching Professor
College of Engineering
Mechanical Eng
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Jiyeong Joann Yi
Jiyeong Joann Yi
Associate Professor
College of Human Sciences
School Of Ed
HCI Faculty Affiliate
Kimberly Elman Zarecor
Kimberly Elman Zarecor
College of Design
HCI Faculty Affiliate
VRAC Research Faculty


HCI Degree Program, Featured Research, Strategic Research Area, Application Domain, Facility


HCI Degree Program, Featured Research, Strategic Research Area, Application Domain, Facility


HCI Degree Program, Featured Research, Strategic Research Area, Application Domain, Facility


    Our HCI Graduate program offers a comprehensive exploration of the fascinating intersection between human behavior, design, and technology. With a rich blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, we prepare students to become adept HCI professionals who can shape the digital landscape and elevate user experiences.

    With more than 200 students enrolled, our HCI program is the largest interdepartmental graduate major at Iowa State University. 


    PhD in Human Computer Interaction

    Master of Human Computer Interaction

    Master of Science in Human Computer Interaction

    Certificate in Human Computer Interaction

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