News & Events

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HCI 20th Anniversary Celebration

The Human Computer Interaction (HCI) program at Iowa State University has celebrated its 20th anniversary! We hosted a vibrant event filled with insightful talks, research presentations, alumni reunions, panel discussions, and reflections. Here are some of the key highlights.

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Pokemon Go & Augmented Reality

The hottest app making the news these days is an example of one of VRAC’s research areas – augmented reality.  Read the full article.  [Incidentally, the C6 in the Howe

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REU Intern on Research Path

2015 REU Intern Jordan Zonner cites Dr. Sharmin Sikich and the IINSPIRE-LSAMP program at Doane University with helping her find the HCI REU program at Iowa State.  Read about her

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Pokemon Go & Augmented Reality

The hottest app making the news these days is an example of one of VRAC’s research areas – augmented reality.  Read the full article.  [Incidentally, the C6 in the Howe

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REU Intern on Research Path

2015 REU Intern Jordan Zonner cites Dr. Sharmin Sikich and the IINSPIRE-LSAMP program at Doane University with helping her find the HCI REU program at Iowa State.  Read about her

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